How are personalised paintings done?
This is an example of the spiritually guided process that occurs during the painting of a personalised picture. Below is the completed picture which is about settling into a nurturing environment where your needs are met on all levels- physical, spiritual, emotional and mental. I will take you through the process from idea to completion, with photos of the process as it unfolds. To see the process of the current soul essence painting (permission gained from recipient), click here.
Nourishment (Complete)
1. Vision
On holiday in Perth on 22 November 2009. I had a vision of a completed picture of my friends 5 year old son (KL) painted in my style with 3 waterfalls coming across and finishing at his head which was placed in the bottom left corner. The painting was mainly about the waterfalls but was a representation of spiritual essence and energy. We then knew I was going to be drawing a picture for him at some point.
2. Timing
I Had just finished my latest painting and was printing out some of my photographs. I kept being drawn to a specific photo Of KL, it lit up for me. This happened several times before I printed it out and put it on my eisel.
3. Layout
As I connected with KL via his photograph, I was directed where to draw the outline of his head. I also was directed to draw another head next to it (his mum). Other lines of energy were also drawn in with no sense at this stage what they are about. The next stage was to cover his outline in a golden, shimmery colour representing his soul energy.
4. Taking Shape
It became apparent that the other "head" was his mother, so I printed out a picture of the two of them together from a recent holiday. I noted that I was only able to draw in the soul energy, which was brighter around KL's head and just below the shoulders of his mum. Both still very non-physical. This made sense to his mother (SL) due to patterns she has noticed at his birth. Some blue energy came in to the left of SL's head and filled the throat and thymus chakra area, this then allowed me to draw in the torso of the mother. When I reached the heart area, I needed to draw in an unfurling fern frond which has special meaning to the family in terms of having the son in the mothers heart. At this point, pregnant breasts were drawn in to nourish the child and the soul energy of the boy became physical in form (Skin, hair, eyes etc). The light coming from the mothers thymus area represents her own desire to fulfill her life's purpose and shows that she is aligned to that.
5. Transformation
As the background comes in, it brings with it energetic nourishment that is transformative. The water is a very strong way for the mother to restore her energy and she is very connected to it. She became surrounded by clensing waterfalls. However the blue energy to the left of her seems to have a different quality about it. Some nourishing green forrest energy comes in to the right for the boy. He is known to be nourished by nature. The mother at this stage still has a distant look on her face as she is settling into a new environment where both need to be nourished differently.
6. Next Stage of Healing
At this point, the drawing needed to resume from present day (previous had been the birth process and journey until now). We took up to date pictures and progressed from present moment. KL's hair was longer, face was more mature and SL's face was brighter and more open. An angellic blue energy (different to earthly water) came in from above. It was like a nectar, very nourishing.
7. Wings and Cosmic Nectar
I saw 2 sets of transparent wings emerge from SL's heart and third eye areas. I also felt the nectar energy, but was unable to see where it was coming from except that it was sky. I was guided to stop painting, turn on the television. It was a cartoon, where there were islands floating in the sky and giant magic butterflies that needed to fly to those islands to be nourished by the nectar. This then set the background and it obvious that the two were also on a floating island that they had flown to that met both of their needs for water and forest. They were attracting the cosmic nectar to them from other floating islands as well, all lining up to deliver the life giving energy, feeding the waterfalls and pools and even feeding SL directly.
8. Nourished
With this energy coming in, the wings developed on both of them (each a different type of soul essence and therefore different type of wings). SL's hand on the back KL energised him. His hands lit up with creativity and healing energy. SL was wet (drops) from saturation in watery energy.
9. Abundance
KLs energy spreads through his environment and unfurling fern fronds (his symbol) spread to all the neighbouring islands. The symbol that represents SL, comes in to the left of her (shell) and the wings at her third eye, drop to the heart level, so she has two sets of wings.
10. Completion
Both are nourished by their environment and SL's eyes become bright and happy, all is well and wings and personal symbols become more well defined and more visible. When the sun shines on the painting, you are able to see the golden shimmery soul energy shine through the skin of the boy and his wings.
The completed picture took about 3 months to complete as healing was sent remotely during the process and progress unfolds according to the timing of events in the lives of the mother and child. Much of the magic is not expressed here as it is relevant to the lives of the mother and child and makes sense to them. Having this painting in their environment will amplify the nourishing energy in their home and also remind them that their needs are met.
As the picture was completing, I began to see the next painting I was to do and asked the receiver for photographs etc. As one completes, the next begins...also about waterfalls!
Each painting is equivalent to 5-8 healing sessions.
If you would like to order a painting/healing designed for you and your soul process: click here.
To see the next waterfall painiting- click here.