How are personalised paintings done?
This is an example of the spiritually guided process that occurs during the painting of a personalised picture. The completed picture is called Symbiosis and will be about receiving love from the divine source and allowing this to flow through you, creating life and colour all around you. I will take you through the process from idea to completion, with photos of the process as it unfolds. Each stage is relevant to what is going on in the life of the recipient. I wont discuss the personal details here, but it does effect how long it takes to complete the picture, depending on what is happening in the persons life and how long it takes them to integrate the healing they receive at each stage. Though they receive healing all the way through the painting, it is on receiving the completed picture that the full healing is received.

1. Vision
I was asked in Nov 2009 to paint a waterfall for a lovely lady. At that time I was already painting something else and agreed that it would be done at a later time. In about January I had a vision of another painting that needed to be painted and I completed this around May 2010. As I was completing this painting, I kept seeing the waterfall in my head (about 2 weeks before the last one was finished). I realised it was the waterfall requested in November. I starting gathering information about the lady and her specific needs, printed a photo of her to connect with her energy and started painting in May/June 2010. This is the coming together of all of the pieces into an outline.
2. Healing
These changes occurred after a healing. The rainbow containing her energy field (in above picture) burst allowing her to expand and to have nourishing rainbow energy come into her energy fields and body. The original picture of her that was used for the first image was dark, missing light. We now took a current picture after the healing and moved forward with the painting. White, pure light and rainbow energy pour into her crown chakra, wash over body and filling the pool for her to bask in. Her face begins to emerge, still in spirit form at this point.
3. Support
The next stage is that the face appears, quite masculine, then with pink, unconditional love energy appearing above and life starting to emerge around her, from her and connecting to her, her face becomes gradually softer and more feminine. The rainbow colours fill her crown area, now clearly heavenly in energy and flows down the waterfall, filling her hands with life giving elixir, butterflies are formed from the water in her hands...