Vibrational Healing Fridge Magnets
Having a fridge magnet with your favourite intention displayed energises your kitchen and the contents of your fridge. You eat and drink your healing, harmonising energy each day.
There are several designs available. Click the title for more information about the healing energies.
Longtide - Revitalising Source Energy Nourishes Me
Sanctity- (No affirmation)
Serenity- My Inner and outer worlds are harmonious
Purpose- I Am Aligned To My Souls Purpose
Coming Home- I have my perfect home life
Peony- Angellic Energy Supports creation in my womb
You can also have these healing vibration energies via healing vibration mugs to energetically enhance your hot drinks. If you would like any other of the healing energies in a mug or magnet, just drop me a line and I can order them for you.
To purchase- visit the store or come and see us at Avoca Market on the 4th Sunday of the month.