Tracy tunes into the soul essence of the child or person involved and allows the painting to emerge. This may be a true likeness of the person with extra sensory information added such as in Heavenly Brothers, or it may be a symbolic representation of the person such as in Grace.
With each soul essence painting, as in all the work Tracy does, healing energy is transmitted to the person, and the painting remains active in the environment whilst hung on the wall. In the Heavenly Brothers, the energy of the relationship between the two brothers received some healing as well as the boys individually. The representations made sense to their mother.
Soul Mate (Example Only)
This was a distance healing picture and represents the healing on his emotional body (you can see the aura colours).
Heavenly Brothers (Example only- not for sale)
There was healing done on these boys individually and on their relationship as brothers. I saw the younger boys wings unfold during the healing. The elder boys wings were simply repaired.
Grace (Available as Print)
Soul essence of a child whilst growing in utero, completed on the day of his arrival (birth).