Available as:
Ascension Card - single or as part of 11 card pack.
Healing Greeting Card.
Sanctity represents the soul essence of the children conceived and born in 2010 and 2011. It also contains healing energy to help them sustain their soul vibration or frequency for optimum wellbeing in their physical form. I find that each painting comes into form as the adults at the forefront of spiritual transformation receive the next level of their crystalline structures and ascended vibration. At this point the children being born are arriving already holding this vibration.
The characteristics of the children that carry the soul essence represented by this painting is that their bodies behave in a similar way to a quartz crystal. When they are nourished and their needs listened to an understood at a deep level, they transmute all toxins and health issues of their own and of those around them. When they are overwhelmed by their environment or the emotions/physical issues of others, their systems jam up and they are sensitive to a number of foods, environments and actually hold the physical and emotional traumas of others in their bodies instead of transmuting them. Many adults will be finding themselves with similar characters as they move through spiritual transformation and as the number of these children being born increases to effect the overall vibration of earth and all her inhabitants.
These children thrive on gentleness. Imposing on their system in any way can have negative effects due the nature of their refined energy which is self healing. Medications, even natural ones and vaccinations can stop their energy fields from self clearing. Resourcing them through nature and listening to their needs allows them to respond therapeutically by releasing unhealthful patterns the way their energetic systems know how. They respond well to gentle energy work. |
Sanctity represents the pure, unblemishable core within us. She is empowered and shines her light where ever she is, so pure and crystalline she reflects the colours of her environment outwardly, brightening and enlightening all around her. As she emanates her radiant glow, all toxins, negativity and blockages are cleared away. She has arrived from the stars, like an inception of divine grace and heralds the new evolved, conscious reality.
If you picked this card for your guidance, you are ready for the next step of your conscious evolution. You have made it through the many challenges that you have had to overcome on your spiritual path and have moved into the next phase. You are ready to reveal yourself in your light and truth. The work you have done on yourself is now touching the lives of others in positive ways as well. Allow your light to shine and to dissolve all blockages to success and well being, be they physical illness, interference from others or traumatic self sabotaging patterns. It is safe to shine as nobody can stop you anymore, you are untouchable! Get in touch with the part of you that knows this to be truth, access your inner Sanctity.
Vibrational Properties
Having this card in your environment or as part of your healing session, will help you to access the part of yourself that is empowered, pure and radiant, that cannot be stopped or interfered with. It will move you along your path towards the crystalline reality and release toxins in your environment, energetic and physical and bodies. Place it in a toxic or uncomfortable environment or on your fridge.
1. Put up at work- first time ever gone home without being drained.
2. Put under babies bed- slept through the night for the first time.
3. Uploaded photo to computer- felt healing energy our over her and no longer limping or pain in foot for first time in years.
4. Touched original painting and had to run to toilet (has detox properties). This happened twice.