This painting contains healing energy to:
- Promote peace, ease and grace.
- Temper self sufficiency and ensures help, support, and a soft landing.
- Demolish reluctance and facilitates a sense of when it is safe to wear the softness of your heart on your sleeve.
- It is welcoming, returns the heart to innocence and joy, reduces the effects of existing allopathic side efffects or damage.
- Ensures freedom from perceived "sin" .
- Connects to divine angellic support (bring the love from above)
Physical symptoms:
- PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome), Androgen excess, high/low oestrogen, elevated prolactin, low progesterone
- Threatened miscarriage
- Anovular menstrual cycle
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Acne due to androgen excess
- Infertility due to unbalanced hormone profile
- Period pain
- Over active uterus during pregnancy
- Heavy periods
- Smooth muscle relaxant especially in uterus, anti inflammatory, hormone regulator.