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Freedom represents the divinely guided break for freedom. The falcon is flying through a gorge, tall, solid, rocky walls either side of him. The sky is stormy and the ocean rough and dark. He has been deep inland, somehow unable to see the open sky above him and scared to fly high for fear of lightening and the darkness around him. As he decides to have freedom from this oppression, a divine golden ray touches him. As he accepts the help, his feathers turn golden and everything he passes turns to life, the sky clears, the rocks become covered in vegetation and the ocean in front of him is visible. He is free, but his decision to be free, caused by his oppression has caused him to be transformed forever more by divine light.
If you picked this card for your guidance, you may be stuck in a situation or frame of mind that feels like a prison, you can’t break free, no matter what you do or how you re-frame it. Set your intention to be free, like the falcon reaching the open ocean and allow spirit to take you there, allow yourself to be touched by divine illumination and guided out into the open. Make sure you listen for the clues and follow them, absolutely surrender to spirit and trust that your intention is being acted on. Be grateful that this divine intervention is always available to you, and that these difficult circumstances enabled you to know this.
Vibrational Properties
Having this card in your environment or as part of your healing session, will help you to break out of difficult situations or frames of mind where there seems to be no solution and nowhere to turn. It will help you to find you own divine light and guidance. Put it up in a place that represents the situation or in the place where the situation is occurring.